Our Vaule to You
Discover your Secret Sauce to Work, for New Client
Value for You
JNL Creative Solutions
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Our Value

Since childhood, I’ve enjoyed discovering and solving puzzles and, generating creative solutions.

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Joseph Wesley is President and CEO of JNL Creative Solutions.

As a child, Joe was always captivated in observing, questioning and seeking solutions to puzzles. Joe’s quest was, putting the puzzle pieces together to present a valued result.

Joe’s mother states that asking questions started the moment he began speaking. Joe’s favorite word has always been ‘why’ (the sky is blue, leaves are green, snow is cold). Joe kept asking ‘why’ until he’d received satisfactory answers. If the answers didn’t just happen on their own, Joe would then seek solutions that eventually satisfied his ‘why’ question.

As an adult, Joe still thrives on his pursuit of finding the ‘why’, as the key to solving the puzzle of your (hidden) secret sauce.

What pleases Joe the most are hearing phrases like:
  • You’re the first person to share that observation about me,
  • I’ve never been asked that question,
  • I’d never thought about that before.

We help you get clients by discovering your hidden secret sauce, unlocking your key advantage over the competition.


We’ve observed that too many business owners focus on your ‘what’:

  • what your hard work produces,
  • what your experience is,
  • what your purpose is.

Unfortunately, your competitors share the same talking points. Your potential clients are overwhelmed with confusion and their attitude becomes, why should they give a hoot about your ‘what’.


Joe maintains his thirst of asking ‘why’ in his quest for solutions, now directed to business owners. In this instance, Joe’s now asks,

Why your business:

  • struggles to stand out from your competition,
  • struggles to covert new clients for your business,
  • struggles to avoid being treated as simply another negotiable commodity.

The SOLUTION - New Clients for Your Business

Joe has observed that business owner too often focuses on ‘what’ you do. Your competitors also share the exact same focus and same ‘what’. This creates confusion about whose ‘what’ is most relevant for the consumer’s needs.

However, as a business owner, you are the avatar of your business. This fact provides you a distinctive advantage over your competition. Our JNL Creative Solutions team describes your uniqueness as your secret sauce.

Our Mission

We don’t claim that we can see dead people. However, we are skilled in seeing your hidden, unique value. We call this your secret sauce.

Our Creative Solution - We help you get new clients, through the discovery and development of your secret sauce.

JNL Creative Solutions

JNL Creative Solutions

Let’s put your secret sauce to work for you and your company’s growth

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